The world ALE&GIÒ

Our history.

We opened our first center in Italy many years ago, because we thought people wellness needed more care and dedication.

Now we can provide a complete wellness experience, thanks to our products and centres ALE&GIÒ all over Italy.

Our values.

What we want to do with our work, is enclosed in the values we want to pass down.

Everyday ALE&GIÒ support and enhance our wellness and health.

Each product and service is developed with a unique aim: the care and wellness of people.

People, research, innovation

Your wellness first

ALE&GIÒ is a company that relies on the collaboration of physicians and researchers, in order to search and develop unique and functional products, in balance with your body and with the nature.

Ask yourself:

  • How much time do you spend to choose a product for your wellness?
  • How many times have you returned back products or have you laid them aside because they didn't give you any benefits?
  • How much money have you wasted in products for which nobody had given to you enough information?

For these reasons we guarante safe and long-lasting products to give wellness and energy.

What distinguish us from other similar companies is that you and your wellness are the center of our interest. Try and try again for free every product, let you find what perfectly fits you, like a dress made by skilled hands.

Frankness, loyalty, honesty

ALE&GIÒ means working, personal and economic growth

In order to work together in an efficient way, the members of the ALE&GIÒ team need to have mutual trust. This is possible just if everyone works and behave with frankness, loyalty and honesty, following the moral code that identify what we are.

The strength of ALE&GIÒ and the strength of all of us lies in the training process and in the experience that characterizes our company, but also in the passion we have for our job that we try to communicate to our guests.

Dare and take the challenge with a company like our's gives you safety and stability. Experience and motivation, that have increased our reputation nationally and internationally for decades, are the core elements of our success.

The highly qualified staff will show our products, making you try their real benefits with unlimited free trials.

Thanks to our frankness and honesty, which are the basic elements of our moral code, we always establish a relationship of confidence and trust with our customers, in order to provide total satisfaction.

Wellness, Health, Vitality

Visit our ALE&GIÒ stores and try our products!

Giving wellness to people is the basic goal of the continuous effort of our team, that materializes in unique products, safe and well-finished in every detail.

In ALE&GIÒ we think that the best way to demonstrate the real benefits of our products is to let people try them for free and without limits, in order to choose the best.

There is no a better way to choose a product for one's wellness than try it and find out its advantages.

Don't miss the chance to meet us and try our unlimited and free trials.

Why free trials?

In order to know ALE&GIÒ and yourself! Our stores are waiting for you.

Bring your family or friends with you: you will be surprised by our experience and our continuous and professional assistance!